Two undefined intelligences are intercepting earthly footage of humans living in an area known as the Low Lands. The researchers exchange their findings through a visual feed, in an attempt to understand the occurrence of extraordinary apparitions. The onlookers’ efforts to understand an enchanted human world are interrupted by another signal which imposes itself on the unfolding investigation, resulting in a play with the logic of the production of meaning. Through a combination of found footage, sci-fi and poetry, Odyssey interrogates the visual rhetoric of whiteness in the specific Dutch colonial project and evokes questions about the stories we’re told and our possibilities to disrupt them.
08.19 : Odyssey reviewed in Debordements [FR]
11.18 : Film Comment: Doclisboa 2018 review, by Ela Bittencourt, November 15, 2018
11/2019 : Istanbul Experimental Film Festival, Turkey
10/2019 : Ji.halava Film Festival, Czech Republic
10/2019 : Doclisboa, Lisbon, Portugal (reprise)
09/2019 : Cinemigrante, Buenos Aires, Argentina
07/2019 : FIDMarseille 2019, Marseille, France (French Premiere)
05/2019 : Doc Alliance Selection Award 2019 (CPH:DOX, Doclisboa, Docs Against Gravity FF, DOK Leipzig, FIDMarseille, Ji.hlava IDFF, Visions du Réel), Festival de Cannes, France
12/2018 : Transcinema Festival Internacional de Cine (International Competition), Lima, Peru
10/2018 : Doclisboa, Lisbon, Portugal (International Competition)
Sabine Groenewegen is an artist working with moving image, collage, and immersive experiences. She is currently exploring the ways in which the experiences of our ancestors are part of our present and future psychobiological reality.