Dui ma?
Dui ma? is an interplay of fragmented stories. Of what emerges. An incredible tale of the violent mutations in today's China, a freehand sketch in a visual style where one vision chases another. Nothing settles in definitively, except the sensation of trembling. With this new film, François Daireaux describes a vast social choreography in which matter vies with absent bodies for life. Landscapes implode, immense cities appear and amidst them we see the frustrated dance of men who search for their place in a world that is too large. At moments burlesque, at others strange, the film is finally glacial. Nothing is lost, everything is transformed.”
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01/2016 - Festival Les Inattendus, Lyon, France
11/2017 - ENSAM, Montpellier, France
09/2017 - Espace EN COURS, Paris
06/2017 - Asso POC / cinéma Le Palace à Sète, France
06/2016 - Laboratoire International pour l'Habitat Populaire, exposition Villes & Peuples Protagonistes, France
2015 - Séance Phantom, MK2 Beaubourg, Paris, France
To decide to leave and see how things happen elsewhere: this is the choice made by the artist François Daireaux, always ready to take the pulse of the world, its heartbeats, pressures and pulsations, its cadences, arhythmia, moments of rest, its silences and noises. On the lookout for possible points of contact, collecting sounds and images (both film and photos), all preserved by the recording material he brings with him on his journeys: digital video camera, analogue still camera and recording devices. François Daireaux seeks out original sites; his travels take him where men live and work.
Far from tourist maps or any form of exoticism, for almost twenty-five years now Daireaux has embarked alone, travelling to countries he's never visited before, to record his experiences there. In the process he composes the vocabulary of his oeuvre, which can be considered as an extended space of sculpture—notably through his manner of composing his photographic images and films. He works as a gleaner, or forager, harvesting forms, situations and images in a pugnacious and solitary exercise of observation. He hollows out and sculpts the layers of the real, obsessed by gesture and the transformations it creates, in physical matter as well as in social space. In the last few years, the artist's photographic and film work has intensified, affirming a visual oeuvre in which we appreciate the contours and the investment, both in its questionning of the alienation of bodies and in its sensitized approach to the urban entropy of emerging nations.
** Bhagwati, 63', 2018
Haining, 22’, 2015
Dui ma ?, 58’, 2015
Aires, 54', 2013
Suite, 114', 2014
Firozabad, 64', 2013
Les rêves de Daireaux , 55', 2012
Website : http://www.francoisdaireaux.com