Spectre Productions is a production company based in Rennes (Brittany). It is dedicated to new film entries and innovative audiovisual projects. Spectre's films are distributed by Phantom.
where are our films ?

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que le dernier long-métrage de Vincent Meessen, "Juste un mouvement" sera présenté en première mondiale à La Berlinale au sein de la section Forum dans un programme online au début mars et en présentiel à Berlin en juin.
Juste un mouvement (108 min, HD, couleur, 2021, Belgique / France)
est une coproduction de JUBILEE (BE), THANK YOU & GOOD NIGHT productions (BE), SPECTRE productions (FR), CBA – Centre de l’Audiovisuel à Bruxelles, MAGELLAN Films (BE)

After a nice year 2019, CEMETERY by Carlos Casas begins 2020 with a serie of screenings at IFF Rotterdam in a section called Perspectives / Wait and see which fits perfectly with that immersion in the heart of an end of the world forest.
save the dates :
28 Jan 2020 12:45 LantarenVenster 3
29 Jan 2020 09:30 Cinerama 4
1 Feb 2020 12:00 Cinerama 2

Le nouveau film court d'Ana Vaz, APIYEMIYEKÎ? sera présenté en première mondiale au sein de la compétition Ammodo Tiger Short Competition du Festival International du Film de Rotterdam. https://iffr.com/nl/2020/films/apiyemiyek%C3%AE
save the dates :
23 Jan 2020 20:30 KINO 1
24 Jan 2020 14:00 KINO 1
27 Jan 2020 20:30 Cinerama 2

Les deux films "guyanais" de Pierre Michelon sont à l'honneur pour une soirée spéciale à Sète accueillie au Cinéma le Comoedia, Véo Sète, 6, rue du 8 mai 1945 à Sète
Au programme :
18h30 : Un petit morceau de bois(2015, 41 min) suivi d’une conversation avec Pierre Michelon
20h45 : Amara(2019, 105 min)

Un an après sa première à Rotterdam, L'inconnu de Collegno de Maïder Fortuné revient à Turin où se déroule son intrigue à l'occasion d'une projection spéciale au Museo Nazionale del Cinema / Cinema Massimo

Au-delà de l'un [Beyond the One]continue sa belle histoire et revient à Paris après sa projection en 2018 au Cinéma du Réel à l'occasion d'une belle soirée au cinéma la Clef qui n'arrête plus de revivre de la plus belle manière.

A l'occasion de sa 42ème édition, le festival de Douarnenez présente un programme dédié à l'Algérie et à la vivacité de son cinéma. "Amara" de Pierre Michelon (présenté en première mondiale au Cinéma du Réel 2019) sera projeté à cette occasion le jeudi 22 août à 16H15

"DJO", le dernier court-métrage de Laura Henno continue son tour du monde avec une double projection les 20 et 21 août prochain au HKW à Berlin dans le cadre des Rencontres Paris-Berlin.

Topo y Wera won the Distribution Prize at the Festival du cinéma de Brive, Rencontres internationales du moyen métrage: https://www.festivalcinemabrive.fr/home.php?v_lang=FR&id_fiche=1258&page=40

Labour Power Plant by Robert Schlicht and Romana Schmalisch is premiering at Berlinale's Forum Expanded !
Screening dates:
2019-02-11 / 21:30 / Arsenal 1
2019-02-12 / 14:00 / Werkstattkino@silent green
Resources are also the focus in Labour Power Plant by Robert Schlicht and Romana Schmalisch. The film proposes an unpleasantly familiar future of working, in which people are standardised and fitted in “labour power plants”.

Sunstone by Filipa César and Louis Henderson at transmediale 2019, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
Screening followed by a Q&A with the directors
more infos

L'inconnu de Collegno by Maïder Fortuné has been selected in the Bright Futures section of the IFFR 2019 !
More infos : https://iffr.com/en/blog/new-talents-in-bright-future

After its international premiere at IDFA (Amsterdam), By Then by Matthieu Dibelius will be screened at FIPADOC as a part of the national competition.
22/01 à 11:30, Casino municipal Théâtre
25/01 à 14:00, Colisée

VariaVision: The Mutability – The Films of Anna Marziano
VOLKSBÜHNE Berlin, Co-curated with Jesse Cumming - Germany
Program: Orizzonti Orizzonti! [Horizons] (2014, France, 11min), Della Mutevolezza Di Tutte Le Cose E Della Possibilità Di Cambiarne Alcune [The Mutability Of All Things And The Possibility Of Changing Some] (2011, France, 16 Min), La Veglia [The Wake] (2010, Italy, 2 Min), Al Di Là Dell’uno [Beyond The One] (2017, France/Italy/Germany, 53 min)

All That Is Solid by Louis Henderson is screened at L'hybride, Lille as part of the program “Politiquement Incorrect”. All infos on the event and the dates here & here

Ela Bittencourt reviews Odyssey by Sabine Groenewegen in her article on Doclisboa 2018 on Film Comment: https://www.filmcomment.com/blog/festivals-doclisboa-2018/

Spell Reel by Filipa César selected and screened at the 6th edition of the SEMANA DE CINE PORTUGUÉS at CINETECA NACIONAL DE CHILE in Santiago. More infos.

A special screening of Spell Reel followed by a discussion with the director Filipa César, is taking place during the Minor Cosmopolitan Weekend (6th-8th December) in Berlin. More infos.

After premiering at the last edition of Doclisboa, Odyssey by Sabine Groenewegen continues its journey with a selection at Transcinema Festival Internacional de Cine (International Competition) in Lima, Peru. More infos.

Spell Reel by Filipa César selected and screened at the 6th edition of the SEMANA DE CINE PORTUGUÉS at MALBA in Buenos Aires, Argentina ! More infos.

Spell Reel by Filipa César is screened at Document Human Rights Film Festival in Glasgow. More infos.

Topo y Wera by Jean-Charles Hue is screened at the Waves section of the 36th Torino Film Festival ! More infos.

DJO by Laura Henno was awarded the Prix Camira court métrage at 33e Entrevues Belfort ! More infos

Spell Reel and Transmission from the Liberated Zones by Filipa César are both screened during the exhibition África[s] Cinema e Memória em Construção at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. More infos.

D'ici là by Matthieu Dibelius is having its International Premiere at IDFA 2018 - International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam ! More infos.

Source, Orientations and Foyer by Ismail Bahri are screened tomorrow at the Festival Les Rencontres à l'échelle - Les Bancs Publics at Marseille, France. More infos.

Ha Terra! by Ana Vaz is screened as part of the exhibition Retour De Fordlândia, organized by the collective Suspended spaces at La Colonie in Paris, France. More infos.

Olhe Bem As Montanhas by Ana Vaz is having its Austrian Premiere at 2018 Vienna International Film Festival. More infos.

Spell Reel by Filipa César is going to be on view during the Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento (1-11 November 2018) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. More infos.

Also Known As Jihadi by Eric Baudelaire is screened at the Art Gallery of Ontario as part of the Vertical Features screening series, curated by Jesse Cumming. More infos.

Sunstone by Filipa César & Louis Henderson is screened at Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de La Plata FestiFreak, Buenos Aires, Argentina. More infos.

Olhe Bem As Montanhas by Ana Vaz is screened at the 62nd BFI London Film Festival (10-21 October 2018). More infos here.

Also Known As Jihadi by Eric Baudelaire is screened at the Inconvenient Films festival (4-14 October 2018) in Vilnius, Lithuania. More infos here.

Spell Reel by Filipa César is screened at Beast IFF (26-30 September 2018) in Porto, Portugal. More infos here.

“Des gestes à peine déposés dans un paysage agité” : Ismaïl Bahri's first solo exhibition in Belgium, hosted by the Foundation Hermès, is on view from the 23rd September until the 1st December 2018 at La Verrière in Brussels. More infos here.

Sunstone by Filipa César & Louis Henderson is screened at Kaunas International Film Festival in Lithuania (20-30 September 2018).

< Séance Phantom >
Christian Barani is presenting his new film Paradis at MK2 Beaubourg. The projection will be followed by a discussion with Olivier Marboeuf. Book your places here !

From the 13/09/2018 until the 21/12/2018 All that is solid by Louis Henderson is on screening at the exhibition Rivers of Emotion, Bodies of Ore at the Kunsthall Trondheim. Don't miss it!

From the 03/08/2018 until the 28/11/2018 Sunstone by Filipa César and Louis Henderson will be screened at Whakatāne Museum and Arts in New Zealand. You're all welcome to join !

From the 19th to the 25th of August: D'ICI LA / BY THEN by Matthieu Dibelius will be presented in "30 ème édition des Etat généraux du film documentaire", Lussas, France

Starting the 3rd of August: SUNSTONE by Filipa César and Louis Henderson in Auckland, New Zealand :
Special Auckland screening and book launch introduced by Erika Balsom
in " Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery "

The 29th of August à 9 pm Donna Haraway, Story Telling For Earthly Survival from Fabrizio TERRANOVA will be screen in the Sunset Cinema, in Salzburger! You are all welcome to join.

We are glad to announce you that Spell Reel from Filipa César will be shown in the 39th DURBAN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL in South Africa.

The 11th of July:
" The Asia Culture Center " (ACC) which is an international arts and cultural exchange organisation will screen Spell Reel from Filipa César!

Spell Reel from Filipa Cesar is screen in MACAU in " China and Portuguese-speaking Countries Film Festival "!

FOYER from Ismaïl BAHRI and BEYOND THE ONE from Anna MARZIANO are shown in The Northwest Film Center an invitational survey of new world cinema.

The 25th of June - Sunstone from Filipa César & Louis Henderson is screen in BIENNALE ARCHITETTURA 2018.

The 22nd of June - Sunstone from Filipa César & Louis Henderson in Edinburgh International Film Festival the world's longest continually-running film festival.

From the 21st until the 27th of June - Spell Reel from FILIPA CESAR in the competition selection for Porto/Post/Doc: Film & Media Festival.
Porto/Post/Doc aims to foster film culture, screening new forms of contemporary cinema. With an eclectic philosophy, ranging from the International Competition and parallel programmes.
You are all welcome to join!

Black Code from Louis Henderson presented in " la Gaîté Lyrique " which is a cultural venue of the City of Paris, devoted to the meeting between arts, technologies, and society.

SAVE THE DATE: 18th of June - Beyond the one from Anna MARZIANO is screen in MONTEHERMOSO cultural center.

13th of June from 19.00 - Mirat Projects Gallery is pleased to expose Mined Soil & Conakry from Filipa César for the opening of their new exhibition “Tempestade em copo d’agua”, and will feature works from emerging and celebrated women artist in Portugal."

From the 7th to the 16th of June - ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI from Eric Baudelaire is running the Official Competition 2018 in FILMADRID International Film Festival which aims to promote the exhibition of author cinema, with a special interest in works that innovate in their narrative and formal approaches.

The 7th of JUNE - " DE COMMENCEMENTS EN COMMENCEMENTS " of Simon QUEHEILLARD is presented in Festival du film de l’Ouest !

From the 6th until the 10th of June - Sunstone from Filipa César and Louis Henderson is shown in the Kino Otok – Isola Cinema International Film Festival.

From the 4th to the 16th of June - BEYOND THE ONE from Anna Marziano is screen in The Olhar de Cinema - Curitiba Internacional Film Festival this festival was founded in 2012 as an independent international festival event that takes places every month of June in the city of Curitiba.

Spell Reel last shown Sun 3 Jun 2018 at 15.30 in HOME
Home is Manchester’s centre for contemporary theatre, film, art, music and more.

The 2nd of June, SPELL REEL from Filipa César will be screen in Whitstable Biennale
Whitstable Biennale is a festival of performance, film, and sound, taking place every two years on the Kent coast. The event has grown out of Whitstable’s extensive artistic community and has developed an international reputation for showcasing the most exciting up-and-coming artists and filmmakers, and engaging audiences in a rich programme.

Friends from Taiwan, here is an opportunity to (re)discover two main films of Spectre !
Spell Reel and Also Known As Jihadi are at the TIDF at Taiwan, from May 4th to May 13th.

Spell Reel, by Filipa César follows his German tour, next step: Cologne for one screening on May 4th at the Akademie der Künste der Welt.
We hope to see you there !

Spell Reel and Also Known As Jihadi will be in Korea, at the Jeonju International Film Festival, from 3rd May until 12th May, don't miss it!

Olhe Bem as Montanhas by Ana Vaz will be screened at the MK2 Beaubourg on 26th April at 8pm in a
(https://www.mk2.com/evenements/seance-phantom-filmer-lombre-ana-vaz text: séance Phantom : Filmer l'ombre), with the artist.
Ana Vaz proposes during this séance Phantom to explore her most recent and unpublished works, from films to writings and sound pieces, all guided by a search for representation of the invisible.
More informations on the Facebook event.
Reservations at resa@lafabrique-phantom.org

We are proud to announce that Spell Reel, by Filipa César has been awarded the TD Bank Group Award during this 2018 edition of the Images Festival in Toronto!
Congratulations to the artist !

A new opportunity to discover Black Code/Code Noir by Louis Henderson, at the Lisbon Cinemateca on 20th April, at the occasion of a series of meetings : "What is the Archive?"
Don't miss it!

As a part of his project Overtures, in London, Louis Henderson presents two of his films : The Sea is History and Lettres du Voyant at Home, on the 17th April at 6:30.
The screenings are followed by a conversation with the artist, be there !

We are glad to show Transmission from the Liberated Zones by Filipa César for the 31th edition of EMAF (European Media Art Festival).
From 18th to 20th April be at Osnabrück, Germany.

Dui Ma? by François Daireaux will be presented at the Centre d'Art Contemporain La Traverse in Alfortville, France.
An opportunity to (re)discover this movie, with its director, on Friday, April 13th.
More details on the Facebook event.

A brand new festival selection for Sunstone !
Discover Filipa César and Louis Henderson's film at the Fronteira Festival, from 11th April until the 21st, in Brazil.

Friends from across the Atlantic , do not feel left out from the German tour of Spell Reel ! Filipa César's film will be screened at the Images Festival from 12th to 20th April in Toronto, Canada, then on the 19th April at the Harvard Art Museum, Cambridge, USA.
Be there !

This month, Spell Reel by Filipa César is released in Germany!
Four dates to come, four screenings followed by a conversation with the artist:
10th April at the Kino Arsenal, Berlin, Germany
11th April at the Wolf Kino, Berlin, Germany
13th April at the Archive Kabinett - Berlin-Wedding, Berlin, Germany
14th April au Gegenkino at Leipzig, in Germany.
Follow the details of this marathon on our Facebook, and we hope to see you soon!

We are glad to present this year four movies and projects, for the 40th edition of the Cinéma du Réel festival, at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, from March 23rd to April 1st!
It will be the occasion to (re)discover Filipa César and Anna Marziano for the French premieres of Spell Reel (séance spéciale) and Au-delà de l'un (Beyond the One) (international competition first film), and to discover, for its World premiere Olhe bem as montanhas (Look closely at the mountains) by Ana Vaz (international competition short film), as well as Eric Baudelaire upcoming documentary, 128 jours au collège Dora Maar (workshop).
You can find the dates of those screenings below, on our Facebook page, and on the festival's site.
À vos agendas !

Au lendemain du vernissage de l'exposition Op-Film: Une Archéologie de l’optique [An Archaeology of Optics] à l'Espace Khiasma, dans le cadre du séminaire Black Lens seront projetés pour une Séance Phantom The Third Part of the Third Measure du duo the Otolith Group, et, en première française, Sunstone de Louis Henderson et Filipa César.
La séance se déroulera le jeudi 29 mars à 20 heures au MK2 Beaubourg à Paris.
Réservations par mail

Finally, a French premiere for Spell Reel !
After a rich international carrer, Filipa César's film will be screened for the first time in Paris, at the 40th Cinéma du Réel at the Centre Pompidou, on Tuesday 27th March 2018 at 8.30pm, in the segment, IR/Réel.
This screening will be followed by a performance by the artist : "Palmistry".

Dans le cadre du Cinéma du Réel, Éric Baudelaire projette trois épisodes du son film en cours : 128 jours au collège Dora Maar (en partenariat avec ARTE).
Il s’agit d’étapes de travail d’un film tourné pendant quatre ans avec des élèves du collège Dora Maar à St Denis.
Les projections se feront en présence du réalisateur et des élèves qui participeront à une discussion avec le public au sujet de ce travail collectif.
Entrée libre et gratuite, rendez-vous :
Dimanche 25 mars 2018
Centre Pompidou - Petite salle
11h30 - Devenir collégien, 51 minutes
13h30 - Aicha, 57 minutes
- 15h - La vérité du son, 39 minutes

Ana Vaz presents her new film Olhe ben as Montanhas (Look closely at the mountains) in the international competition short films during the 40th edition of the Cinéma du Réel festival, at the Centre Pompidou and the Forum des Images in Paris.
The movie will be screened on :
- Saturday, March 24th – 6:30 pm at the Forum des Images
Followed by a conversation with the artist - Sunday, March 25th – 6:30 pm at the Centre Pompidou
Followed by a conversation with the artist - Wednesday, March 28th - 5 pm, for one last time at the Forum des Images
Save the dates!

Au-delà de l'un (Beyond the One) by Anna Marziano is at the 40th edition of the Cinéma du Réel, in the international competition for first films.
This means four screenings :
• Friday, March 23rd – 3 pm
(Centre Pompidou - petite salle)
Followed by a conversation with the artist
• Saturday, March 24th – 6:45 pm
(Forum des Images - salle 300)
Followed by a conversation with the artist
• Tuesday, March 27th – 9 pm
(Luminor, Paris)
Special screening Terra di Cinema festival
• Saturday, March 24th - 4 pm
(Cinéma Jacques Tati, Tremblay-en–France)
For the unlucky ones who can't make it, or the enthusiastic ones who want to rewatch it, the movie will also be available in VOD on Universciné during all the festival.

We are glad to present Koropa at the Courtisane Festival 2018, taking place in Gent, Belgium, from March 28th to April 1st.
Laura Henno's film will be screened during the evening of the 30th; right before Amérika: Bahía de las Flechas by Ana Vaz whose movies Há Terra ! (2016) and Olhe Bem as Montanhas (2018) are also produced by Spectre.

Selected by Amhet Öğüt for its program Measure for Measure, Koropa by Laura Henno will be screened on February 28th at the Savvy Contemporary, in Berlin.

Spell Reel will be at Marrakech, on this Sunday February 25th, in the programAlways Decolonize ! at Le 18, 1-54 FORUM curated by Omar Berrada.
The screening will be followed by a conversation between, Filipa César, the director, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, geographer, and Sana Na N'Hada, director.

An new opportunity to watch Há terra! by Ana Vaz, at 7pm this Thursday, February 22nd, thanks to the "Exílios" sessions at Cine Cleo in Brasilia.

We are glad to see Spell Reel by Filipa César in the official selection of the 41st Portland International Film Festival. Screenings are on February 20th and 23rd.

Before leaving for the Portland International Film Festival, Spell Reel will be screened in Amsterdam at the Eye Filmuseum, at the initiative of Sonic Acts on Tuesday, 20th, in the presence of the director Filipa César.

We are proud to announce the selection of Hà Terra ! by Ana Vaz for Inattendus de Lyon festival. It will be screened on Saturday, February 17th.

After his project « Après » at the Centre Pompidou in Paris in last September, Eric Baudelaire meets again the Académie de France in Rome – Villa Médicis for an Italian screening of ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI on Wednesday February 7th, followed the next day by a talk at the jeudi de la Villa, in Rome, Italy.

Another very dense month for Donna Haraway : Story Telling For Earthly Survival by Fabrizio Terranova. It will be screened in London on February 6th et the University of the Arts London and on the 15th at Central St Martin, in Switzerland on the 7th at Lausanne University, in Paris on February 14th at the ENSAD (École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs), in Porto, Portugal for the "Metabolic Rift and Prospections for Art, Education and Knowledge Production on February 17; it will end its busy month on the 22nd at the Swiss Institute Contemporary Art / Anthology Film Archives, New York, USA.

This month, Spectre settles in Rotterdam for the IFFR, International Film Festival Rotterdam, from January, 24th to February, 4th.
We are glad to present Filipa César and Louis Henderson's Sunstone, premiering on January 27th -and again on January 29th -, as well as Anna Marziano's Beyond the One on January 30th, 31th, and finally on February 3rd.
You may also enjoy the opportunity of an artist talk with Louis Henderson on Monday, 29th.

Vienna friends, don't miss your chance to watch (again) Spell Reel by Filipa César, at the Schikaneder in their „Screening Africa:contemporary.perspectives.on.african.cinema" cycle, at 7:30 pm on January 22nd!

KOROPA by Laura Henno opens up the Rencontres Hivernales du Documentaire de Grignan in the Court-Métrage segment, on this 19th of January.

BLACK CODE/CODE NOIR by Louis Henderson will be screened on this Wednesday, 17th of January 2018 in Paris for the "Sureposé" cycle at le Bal.

Fabrizio Terranova's DONNA HARAWAY : STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL crosses the Channel this month, see you at Falmouth University, Cornwall, UK, on January 11th 2018.

KOROPA by Laura Henno never stops traveling, not even at Christmas ! If you're passing by the Jiangsu province in China, you can go and see it at the Han Shan Art Museum on the 24th, 25th and 26th of December !

Don't miss Koropa by Laura Henno at the Festival de Cinema Europeen des Arcs in Savoie from the 16th to the 23rd of December.

DONNA HARAWAY : STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL commence le mois de décembre avec encore de nouvelles projections. Le film sera projeté au Il Giardino dei ciliegi, Centro Ideazione Donna, Firenze en Italie (8 -10/12) , au Xen Xeno Entities Network, Berlin en Allemagne (10/12), mais aussi à l'Open School East, Margate, en Angleterre (14/10) et également au Narratives of a Near Future, Head, à Genève en Suisse (14- 15/12).

Yet another screening for Eric Baudelaire's, ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI taking place on December 6th at the Tate Modern (Starr Cinema) in London.

A new chance to see Beyond the One, the last film by Anna Marziano : it will be screened on the 4th of December at the beautiful link: http://www.cortodorico.it/ text: Corto Dorico film Festival) in Italy!

The Transcinema Festival Internacional de Cine will start the 1rst of December with a beautiful selection including three films by Spectre : KOROPA by Laura Henno (3/12), SPELL REEL by Filipa César and AU-DELÀ DE L'UN by Anna Marziano (7/12) !

KOROPA by Laura Henno and THE SEA IS HISTORY by Louis Henderson will be at the Ecrans du Réel in Le Mans until the 3rd of December.

HA TERRA! by Ana VAZ will be in competition at the Olympia International Film Festival in the Kids and Docs category, in Pyrgos, Greece, from the 2nd to the 9th of December.

December starts really good for Spell Reel by Filipa César : it will be screened at the Porto/Post/Doc 2017 on friday the 1st, and at the Kaunas International Film Festival on saturday the 2nd !

On the 29th of November, do not miss the Lebanese premier of FOYER by Ismail Bahri at the Premiers Gestes festival in Beyrouth !

A busy end of November for Donna Haraway, Story Telling for Earthly Survival de Fabrizio Terranova : it will be screened at the CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux (29/11), the Biennale Oh les beaux jours de Louvain-la-Neuve (30/11) and at the White Chapel Gallery in London!

BEYOND THE ONE by Anna Marziano goes to India this week ! You can see it at the EXPERIMENTA festival in Bangalore, from the 28th of November to the 3rd of December : enjoy !

Dear friends in Austria,
Do not miss the UNDOX Innovative Documentary Film Festival this weekend, and in particular the screening of Also Known as Jihadi by Eric Baudelaire on Saturday the 25th !

This week, Spectre goes to Italy : SPELL REEL by Filipa César and BEYOND THE ONE by Anna Marziano will be screened at the Torino International Film Festival ! Do not miss them !

Dear Belgian friends, do not miss the Festival Filmer à tout prix ! There you can see, among many beautiful movies, ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI by Eric Baudelaire (24/11) and Donna Haraway : Story Telling for Earthly Survival by Fabrizio Terranova (27/11).

Dear friends in India, do not miss the occasion to see TEPANTAR at the Calcutta International LGBT Film & Video Festival !

A nice occasion to watch (again) Spectrographies by SMITH : this friday 17th of November at the cinéma Actes Sud in Arles. Do not miss it !

Dear Canadian friends, do not miss the occasion to see SPELL REEL by Filipa César at the RIDM on the 16th and 18th of November !

A month of November full of nice screenings for DONNA HARAWAY, STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL by Fabrizio Terranova! It will be at Fall Semester in Miami (14/11), at the Festival INTERFÉRENCES in Lyon (9/11), at the SMK in Copenhagen (16/11), at the Porny Days Festival (25/11) in Zurich, at the Deleuze e Cosmopolíticas e Ecologias Radicais e Nova Terra e… seminar at the State University of Campinas, Brazil (25-27/11), and at the Louvain-la-Neuve Biennale of contemporary art (30/11) in Belgium !

ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI by Eric Baudelaire goes to America this month !
It will be screened at the RIDM (Canada) on the 15th and 18th, and at the Mar del Plata Film Festival (Argentina) on the 17th, 18th and 23rd of November.

KOROPA by Laura Henno continues its nice journey during this month of November : it will be screened on the 14th and 16th at the l'Alternativa festival in Barcelona ; and, for the french audience, the 16th of November at the association Le Trois-mâts in Angers, the 18th and 21st at the festival Paris Courts Devant and, to finish the month, at the Festival Tous Courts in Aix-en-provence: book your tickets !

Special mention for Koropa by Laura Henno at the festival Les Ecrans Documentaires of Arcueil. The adventure goes on !

A IDADE DA PEDRA de Ana Vaz sera au Tate Modern dans le cadre du programme Eldorado le 11 novembre.

KOROPA de Laura Henno sera au Beijing International Short Film Festival, en Chine, le 10 novembre 2017!

Le 10 novembre DE COMMENCEMENTS EN COMMENCEMENTS de Simon QUEHEILLARD sera au cinéma Studio d'Aubervilliers.

Ce week-end 11 et 12 novembre ne manquez pas TRAUM de Smith ainsi que KOROPA de Laura Henno au Grand Palais à paris, dans le cadre de la foire internationale de photographie d'art Paris Photo!

KOROPA de Laura Henno sera aux Ecrans documentaires à Arcueil en compétition internationale le 9 novembre.

ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI de Eric Baudelaire sera au Pravo Ljudski Film Festival, Sarajevo du 8 au 13 novembre.

We are proud to announce that SPELL REEL by Filipa César received the José Saramago Award and a special mention of the international competition at Doclisboa.

Ne manquez pas TEPANTAR de Pierre Michelon à laBiennale Movimenta à Nice! Il concourra dans la sélection "Prix Jeune Création", du 27 octobre au 16 novembre.

Nous sommes très heureux d'annoncer que ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI de Eric Baudelaire ainsi que AU DELÀ DE L'UN de Anna Marziano seront au Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival dans la compétirion Opus Bonum le 25 et 27 octobre!

The exhibition State(in)Concepts starts on the 20th of October at the KADIST galery and lasts until the 17th of December : there you'll be able to see, among other works, TRANSMISSION FROM THE LIBERATED ZONES by Filipa César.

So many screenings for KOROPA by Laura Henno in October !
It will be at the Sharjah Biennale in Beirut, as well as at the Festival International du Cinéma des Peuples Ânûû-rû Âboro (from 13th to 21st October), at the Filmets Festival in Badalona (from 20th to 29th October) and at the Festival du Film de Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux the 20th of October.

Belgian friends : do not miss the projection of DONNA HARAWAY by Fabrizio Terranova at the Cercle du Laveu in Liège, followed by a discussion with the director, Vinciane Despret and Lucienne Strivay !

Friends from Karlsruhe, do not miss the two Spectre evenings at the Kinemathek on the 19th and 20th of October : there you can watch (again) SPELL REEL by Filipa César, KOROPA by Laura Henno, FOYER by Ismaïl Bahri and MÜNSTER by Martin le Chevallier !

Trois films de Spectre seront présents à DocLisboa cette année, du 19 au 29 octobre! Il s'agit de TEPANTAR de Pierre Michelon, de SPELL REEL de Filipa César et de ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI de Eric Baudelaire.

Que de projections pour Donna Haraway, Story telling for Earthly Survival de Fabrizio Terranova! En cette fin d'octobre il sera aussi à Poitiers, au Planétarium, Confort Moderne du 17 au 24 octobre.

We are proud to announce that ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI by Eric Baudelaire received the Best Feature-lenght Documentary Award at the Festival dei Popoli !

HA TERRA ! de Ana Vaz sera pour la première fois en Argentine au FestiFreak à La Plata, du 13 au 21 octobre.

ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI de Eric Baudelaire sera, pour sa première italienne, au Festival dei Popoli à Florence ce vendredi 13 octobre à 15h.

FOYER de Ismail Bahri sera à Nice du 12 au 20 octobre au festival "Un festival c'est trop court".

Do not miss the projection of SAC LA MORT tomorrow evening at 8.30 at the cinéma Brady : the director Emmanuel Parraud and the film crew will also be there !

Ce samedi 7 octobre ne manquez pas la projection de TEA TIME de François DAIREAUX, suivie d'un échange entre François FRANÇOIS DAIREAUX, réalisateur, et Sébastien DESCOINS, monteur, à l'Espace En cours!

DONNA HARAWAY, STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL retourne à Paris pour une projection-rencontre au Beaux-Arts de Paris le jeudi 5 octobre à 18h30.

Aujourd'hui commence l'exposition « M'Tsamboro » de Laura Henno, au cours de laquelle vous pourrez voir son film KOROPA. C'est au BBB centre d'art à Toulouse, du 4 octobre au 20 décembre.

FOYER de Ismail Bahri sera au DREAM CITY FESTIVAL du 4 au 8 octobre. Durant ces jours une projection aura lieu toutes les 40 minutes entre 13h et 17h40.

Venez découvrir BEYOND THE ONE de Anna Marziano au 24e Valdivia International Film Festival lors de sa première latino-américaine le mardi 10 et le jeudi 12 octobre!

Spectre est bien présent au Festival Vidéo Brasil du 3 au 14 octobre avec TRANSMISSION FROM THE LIBERATED ZONES de Filipa César, AMERIKA: BAHIA DE LAS FECHAS et HÀ TERRA ! de Ana Vaz.

SPELL REEL by Filipa César received the Special Mention of the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera Award at the San Sebastian Film Festival !

DUI MA? will be screened on the 30th of September at theEspace En Cours, in the presence of the director François Daireaux.

Du 18 au 26 septembre au Reprise Palmarès Premiers Plans Angers au Liban 2 projections pour ne pas manquer KOROPA de Laura Henno: le mercredi 25 à 14h et le jeudi 26 à 22h15!

DONNA HARAWAY, STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL de Fabrizio Terranova sera au International Queer Film Festival de Lisobnne le 19 septembre à 17h!

Une belle occasion de voir ou revoir FOYER de Ismail Bahri: il sera rediffusé au Premiers gestes d'Alexandrie le samedi 18 à 20h!

Ne manquez pas UN PETIT MORCEAU DE BOIS de Pierre Michelon au festival Blacks to the futur au Petit bain, à Paris, le 16 septembre.

HÁ TERRA ! by Ana Vaz will be screened at the Camden International Film Festival in the USA on the 16th of September.

Opening of Op-film: An Archeology of Vision, exhibition by Filipa César and Louis Henderson at the Temporary Gallery in Cologne from September 16th to November 12th.

Yet another screening in September for SPELL REEL by Filipa César! It will happen the 14th of September at São Paulo's Indie Festival in Brazil.

SPELL REEL by Filipa César will be screened at the Cinemigrantes festival, that will take place from 12th to 20th of September in Buenos Aires.

Un mois décidément dense pour SPELL REEL de Filipa César, qui sera aussi au Festival International de San Sebastian dans la sélection Zabaltegi - Tabakalera, du 18 au 25 septembre.

DONNA HARAWAY, STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL by Fabrizio Terranova will be screened at the Short Theatre Festival in Rome the 11th of September.

We are very happy to announce the world premiere of BEYOND THE ONE by Anna Marziano at the Toronto International Film Festival on the 7th and 17th of September.

FOYER by Ismail Bahri and BLACK CODE/CODE NOIR by Louis Henderson will both be screened at the Festival de Cine Radical in Bolivia on the 7th of September !

Just one month left to see ALL THAT IS SOLID by Louis Henderson in Leipzig ! It's at the Gallery for Contemporary, as part of the exhibition Chinafrika: Under Construction, from the 2nd of June to the 8th of October.

DONNA HARAWAY : STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL by Fabrizio Terranova will be at the LIAF Lofoten International Art Festival in Norway from the 1st of Septembre to the 1st of October.

KOROPA by Laura Henno is everywhere this summer! He will also be in Paris at the festivalFestival Silhouette the 26th of August.

DONNA HARAWAY : STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL by Fabrizio Terranova will be screened at the An Talla Solais gallery in Ullapool, England

KOROPA by Laura HENNO will be at the 17e Festival International du Film Insulaire de Groix text: 17th Festival International du Film Insulaire de Groix) from the 23th to the 27th of August.

At the Rencontres du film documentaire de Lussas the 22th of August you can see KOROPA by Laura Henno.

Good news for Spectre: three films selected at the 40e édition du Festival de Douarnenez): FOYER by Ismail Bahri, TRAUM by Smith and KOROPA by Laura HENNO!

THE BIRDS ARE BUSY by Diogo Oliveira and João Vieira Torres will be at the PirenópolisDoc – Festival of Bresilian Documentary from the 15th to the 20th of August.

DONNA HARAWAY, STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVALde Fabrizio Terranova sera Fuchsbau Festival en Allemagne du 11 au 13 août.

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la projection de SAC LA MORT de Emmanuel PARRAUD, un film qui montre une facette de l''île de la Réunion totalement méconnue en France et qui pourrait vous intéresser vous ou des amis. Il sera projeté à Forcalquier Jeudi 10 aout à 21h au cinéma Le Bourguet et suivi d'un débat avec le réalisateur.

The 5 f August THE SEA IS HISTORY by Louis Henderson will be at the Pera museum, Istanbul, during the cycle "On Memory or How Can I Doublethink?".

HÁ TERRA ! continue to travel around the world, and will be at Detroit at the Mediacity film festival in international competition from the 2nd to the 5th of August!

BLACK CODE/CODE NOIR by Louis HENDERSON and KOROPA by Laura HENNO will cross the alpes up to the Faitodoc festival who will take place in Italie from the 1st to the 6th of August.

HA TERRA by Ana Vaz will be at the 28º Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens de São Pauloin Brazil from the 25th to the 3th of September.

FOYER of Ismaïl Bahri wins his fifth prize: the Best Experimental Film at the Moscow International Experimental Film Festival!

FOYER by Ismaïl Bahri will be at the Moscow International Experimental Film Festival in Russia.

OS PASSAROS ESTAO DISTRAIDOS by Joao VIERRA TORRES and Diogo OLIVEIRA will be at the Festival Caméra Lucida the 19th of July.

ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI by Eric Baudelaire have is noticed at the FIDMarseille! The Diary La Marseillaise talks about: "Ici, pas de pathos ni de sentiments qui viendraient ternir le remarquable travail d’enquête du réalisateur et de son équipe"

We are very glad to announce the world première of ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI by Eric Baudelaire at the FID of Marseille! The screenings will take place the 13th of July at 12h30 p.m. at the Villa Méditerranée, and the 15th of July at 14h15 p.m. at the Cinéma les Variétés. Further informations are available here: lieux du festival.

TRAUM by Smith and DONNA HARAWAY : STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL by Fabrizio Terranova will be at the Festival Loud and Proud à la Gaîté Lyrique.

KOROPA de Laura Henno will compete in the international competition of the Curtas Vila do Conde festival in Portugal!

HA TERRA ! by Ana Vaz will travel to Peru at the Lima Independiente Film Festival from the 29 june to the 2 of july!

SPELL REEL by Filipa César will be shown at the MoMA – Museum of Modern Art from the 27 of June till the 3 of July.

KOROPA de Laura Henno est encore remarqué! Le Monde en parle: "Un lieu, une nuit, un regard et une lumière : avec peu de choses, la réalisatrice, photographe de formation, esquisse un geste de cinéma précis et fulgurant."

THE SEA IS HISTORY de Louis Henderson will be shown at the Edinburgh International Film Festival from the 21 June to the 2 of July.

We are glad to announce that FOYER won the Best Picture Award of the Vanguardias Section in FILMADRID. (Jury : Deborah Stratman, Garbiñe Ortega and Marcos Ortega)

KOROPA by Laura Henno will be at the Festival Coté Court in two projections: the sunday 11th of June in her presence, and the Thursday 15th of June.

TRAUM by SMITH will be at the Rencontres Internationales at Berlin from the 13 to the 18 of June!

FOYER of Ismaïl Bahri will be at the Jeu de Paume from the 13 until the 24 of September within his exhibition "Instruments".

Goods news for happy mondays ! We are proud to announce, FOYER by Ismaïl Bahri won the First Price at Hamburg International short film festival.

At the Art Basel [Locarno Festival at Art Basel] will be presents:
ALSO KNOWN AS JIHADI by Eric Baudelaire the 12 of June,
MINED SOIL by Filipa César the 14 of June
SPELL REEL by Filipa César the 15 of June.

The 11th of June at the Festival du film de l'Ouest director Laura Henno will be present for a meeting whitin the program "Rencontre: l'écriture par l'image". Her film KOROPA will be shown the 10 of June.

DONNA HARAWAY: STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL by Fabrizio Terranova will be at the Concreta Review Opening show at Valencia the 10th of June.

DUI MA ? by François Daireaux will be shown at the cinema Le Palace à Sète the 8th of June.

DE COMMENCEMENTS EN COMMENCEMENTS by Simon Quéheillard will be at the Festival Côté court the 8th of June.

At the Hamburg International Short Film Festival will be shown :
THE SEA IS HISTORY by Louis Henderson the 7th and 10th of June,
FOYER by Ismaïl Bahri the 8th and 9th of June,
and also HA TERRA ! by Ana Vaz the 9th and 10th of June.

FOYER by Ismail BAHRI will be at the Zaywa - Cairo Cinema Days in Egypte from the 28th of April to the 2nd of May!

FOYER by Ismaïl Bahri will be at the Videoex at Zürich in Switzerland from the 20th to the 28th of May.

FOYER by Ismaïl Bahri as well as REVERS will be at the Institut Français de Tunis the 12th of May.

DONNA HARAWAY, STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL by Fabrizio Terranova is programmed at the BLACK MARIA CINEMA in Milan the 5th of May.

DONNA HARAWAY, STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL by Fabrizio Terranova will be at the Royal College of Art in Londres the 12th of May.

DE COMMENCEMENTS EN COMMENCEMENTS by Simon Quéheillard will be at the Festival IVAHM à Madrid in Spain from the 10th to the 12th of May.

OS PÁSSAROS ESTÃO DISTRAÍDOS by Joao Vieira Torres & Diogo Oliveira as well as KOROPA by Laura Henno will be at the Ethnocineca in Austria the 9th of May.

DONNA HARAWAY, STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL by Fabrizio Terranova will be at the TENTACULAR THINKING, Talk lecture series at Zurich in Switzertland the 9th of May

DONNA HARAWAY, STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL by Fabrizio Terranova will cross the ocean to be at the DOXA Documentary Film Festival at Vancouver, Canada the 5th of May.

DONNA HARAWAY, STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL by Fabrizio Terranova will be at the Donaufestival in Germany the first of May.

FOYER by Ismaïl Bahri will be at the Médiathèque du FMAC à Genève in the exhibition « be aware, record » from the 12th of April to the 17th of June.

HA TERRA ! d’Ana Vaz sera partout en avril avec une sélection en compétition au Lucca Film festival à Lucques en Italie, au FILMFEST DRESDEN, Dresden en Allemagne, au San Francisco International Film Festival, San Francisco, USA ainsi qu'au prestigieux Images Festival à Toronto au Canada, au JeonJu IFF, à Jeonju, en Corée du Sud et au European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück en Allemagne.

FOYER d’Ismail Bahri sera au Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival BIEFF en compétition internationale
dans le programme The Alchemy of the Frame, le 29 mars et le 01 avril.
Et venez voir ou re-voir FOYER, au Courtisane Festival à
Gand le 02 avril !!

Le festival Cinéma du Réel commence le 24 mars au Centre Pompidou où nous sommes très heureux d’accompagner, pour sa première mondiale, le film de Pierre Michelon TEPANTAR, en compétition internationale du court métrage!!

Enfin! Après quelques mois d'attente stellaire... la Première du film TRAUM de Dorothée Smith à Paris est annoncée au festival d'art et de cinéma Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin à la Gaité Lyrique. Nous vous attendons ce jeudi 16 mars à 19h !

FOYER d'Ismail Bahri a reçu le Prix du meilleur court métrage au Festival Punto de Vista !

Le Collectif Jeune Cinéma organise une projection de
DISAPPEAR ONE de Graeme Thomson et Silvia Maglioni, pour le programme: "De l'Expérimental aux films-essais" un cycle proposé par Raphaël Bassan, critique et historien spécialiste du cinéma expérimental, c'est ce jeudi 16 mars à 20h au Cinéma La Clef

OS PÁSSAROS ESTÃO DISTRAÍDOS de Joao Vieira Torres & Diogo Oliveira sera à la Biennal International of Sound Cinema en compétition international long-métrage

Au Festival PUNTO DE VISTA à Pampelune-Espagne, on y présente deux films cette année:
le 08 et 09 mars, FOYER d'Ismail Bahri en section officielle -La Région centrale-
et du 09 et 10 mars le film MAÎTRE VENT de Simon Queheillard dans le programme -Volar-

Dès ce soir retrouvez ALL THAT IS SOLID de Louis Henderson dans une exposition collective au centre d’art contemporain LA SALA à Vilanova i la Geltrù où les gagnants de LOOP 2016 y seront présentés jusqu’au 30 avril.

Koropa de Laura Henno s’envole d'abord pour les Etats-Unis où le film sera projeté au True/False Film Fest dans le programme: Young Money,
ainsi qu'en Grèce au Thessaloniki Documentary Festival en première internationale - catégorie Human Rights!!

Nous sommes très heureux d'annoncer la sélection du film, TEPANTAR de Pierre Michelon au 39ème Cinéma du Réel en compétition international Courts métrages du 24mars au 2 avril pour sa première mondiale !!

Fabrizio Terranova se prépare a faire un beau parcours au mois de mars en commençant par la Mostra International Films Dones à Barcelone le 02/03 - 19h
puis le 17/03 au Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art à Riga en passant par Berlin pour le MaerzMusik – Festival for Time Issues le 21/03 - 18h
et au Stijdelijk Museum d'Amsterdam le 26/03 - 15H pour finir
au Bozar de Bruxelles le 30/03 - 18h.
En attendant cette belle course, on retrouve Fabrizio Terranova et son film au Sonic Acts Festival le 25 février à 12h - programme 4
C’est parti !

Nous sommes très heureux de la sortie de SAC LA MORT mercredi dernier au Reflet Medicis ! Après une belle semaine de projection débat, notamment avec Françoise Vergès - journaliste et politologue réunionnaise -, Emmanuelle Chérel - spécialiste de la question post-coloniale dans le champ de l'art contemporain – ou encore l’acteur Camille Bessière-Mithre -rôle de Dylan-, SAC LA MORT continu son chemin un peu partout en France où nous vous attendons nombreux :
Cette semaine en Ile de France :
lundi 20/02 - Le Luxy à 20h15
mardi 21/02 - Sept Parnassiens à 20h30
mercredi 22/02 – l’Archipel à 16h30 – Le Luxy à 19h30
jeudi 23/02 - L’archipel 14H20 – Le Luxy à 18H
vendredi 24/02 – Reflet Medicis à 11h40 – L’Archipel à 16h15 – Le Luxy à 20h30
samedi 25/02 – Reflet Médicis à 11h40 – Le Luxy à 15h
>>>toutes les séances ici<<<
mais aussi Le Mans, Nice, Brive-la-Gaillarde, Toulouse, Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand et plus encore…

Bravo bravo ! Encore un prix pour Koropa, le quatrième après Belfort et Angers, qui a remporté le Prix Egalité et Diversité au festival de Clermont Ferrand !

Au Festival Travelling de Rennes, Spectre est partout : dans la compétition de courts-métrage UrbaCiné, sa section transversale consacrée à la représentation de la ville au cinéma, on y retrouve le film de Simon Quéheillard
mais aussi d'autres films de Spectre en hors Compétition dont
MUNSTER et FOYER le 08/02 à 18h et KOROPA et
SAC LA MORT (en AVANT-PREMIERE avant sa sortie 15/02) le 10/02 à 18h et CE QUE JE VOIS de François Daireaux

Après le prix des Bibliothécaires au Festival Premiers Plans d’Angers,
Koropa de Laura Henno, continue sa course au
Festival de Clermont-Ferrand, en compétition nationale, où vous aurez l’occasion de le voir, en présence du producteur Cédric Walter le 09/02, mais aussi le 04/02 à 20H15, le 05/02 à 15:00, le 06/02 à 22:15 (Salle Cocteau) et plus encore!

On February 4th, The Sea is History by Louis Henderson will be screened at Transmediale/art&digitalculture in Berlin - for the 30th anniversary of the festival !

Avant la sortie en salle de Sac la mort, retrouvez le film
d'Emmanuel Parraud au 30es Rencontres Cinéma de Manosque,
le 03/02-9H15 et le 04/02-21H en présence du réalisateur!

Ça commence aujourd'hui, l'International Film Festival de Rotterdam
où l'équipe de Spectre est heureux d'accompagner trois de ses films
FOYER : 27/01-14h et 29/01-16H45 // programme Behind The Facade
THE SEA IS HISTORY et HA TERRA ! : 27/01-18h et le 29/01-11H30 // programme Cardinal Directions

Après son passage remarqué aux Entrevues de Belfort, où le film de Laura Henno a reçu le Grand Prix du Court Métrage et le Prix Camira, nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que Koropa sera en compétition nationale au
Festival Premiers Plans d'Angers le 25 janvier à 14H !

Après une visibilité au Festival Premier Plan d'Angers à partir du 25 janvier, Koropa sera au Festival de Clermont-Ferrand en compétition nationale!

"Le cinéma des écoles d'art, des producteurs particuliers" c'est dans Art Press #440.
On y parle de Spectre et d'Olivier Marboeuf "qui crée en 2013 Spectre Productions, avec le centre d’art Khiasma qu’il dirige aux Lilas. Son activité de producteur s’inscrit dans la continuité de sa pratique de commissaire d’exposition. Les films produits, d’abord pour être montrés lors d’expositions à Khiasma, ont rapidement trouvé leur place dans les festivals, entrant ainsi dans la sphère du cinéma" et plus encore !

Spectre est partout au Festival Travelling
de Rennes du 7 au 14 février où le film
De commencements en commencements de
Simon Quéheillard est en compétition de courts métrages Urba[Ciné]!
mais aussi quatre autres films en Hors compétition dont Sac la mort d'Emmanuel Parraud, Münster de Martin Le Chevallier, Foyer d'Ismaïl Bahri et Koropa de Laura Henno! ainsi que le film Ce que je vois de François Daireaux qui sera diffusé en boucle pendant toute la durée du festival au Liberté//L'Etage.

Spectre commence bien l'année avec trois films sélectionnés au International Film Festival Rotterdam - IFFR avec le film Foyer d'Ismaïl Bahri diffusé le 27 et 29 janvier dans le programme Behind the Facade
ainsi que The Sea is History de Louis Henderson et
Ha Terra! d'Ana Vaz dans le programme
Cardinal Directions le 27 et 29 janvier.

Encore un peu de patience, la belle exposition TRAUM au Transpalette à Bourges vient de se terminer mais le film de Dorothée Smith sera bientôt visible à Paris...
Le magazine Trois Couleurs en parle!

Spectre fera un tour par la Pologne, ce mois de décembre, avec Tout, tout à continué d' Emmanuel Parraud en compétition pour le 10.Grand Grand OFF Najlepsze Niezależne Krótkie Filmy Świata à Warsaw - jusqu'au 4/12 - et Münster de Martin Le Chevallier, qui sera programmé par la Fondation Ad Arte à Poznan le 10/12.

Foyer d'Ismaïl Bahri, qui sera le 3 décembre au Aflam Cinémas Arabes à Marseille et Black Code/Code Noir de Louis Henderson sont tous deux en compétition Internationale au Transcinema Festival Internacional de Cine à Lima à partir du 2 décembre.

La Première Mondiale de Koropa de Laura Henno, c'est au Festival du film de Belfort - Entrevues, avec un débat en présence de la réalisatrice lors de la seconde projection : vendredi 2/12 à 14h30 !

Foyer d'Ismaïl Bahri, sera au Saint-André des Arts, le 28 novembre à 18h30 où il illustrera la ville de Tunis dans le programme «Capitales du Maghreb» pour
le Maghreb des films, rencontres cinématographiques.
Ainsi qu'aux Rencontres des Cinémas Arabes à Marseille le 3 décembre à 18H pour « Un critique, deux regards », un programme proposé par Samir Ardjoum.

Après une visite au festival BFI London, ce mois-ci, Filipa César était dans Les Cahiers du Cinéma dans l'article « Portugal : mémoires coloniales ».
Nous avons le plaisir de la retrouver le 24 novembre dès 20H au MK2 Beaubourg pour les Séances Phantom pour découvrir les films Mined Soil et Transmission from the Liberated Zones.

Le 23 novembre la Semana dos Realizadores commence au Brésil où, Os Pássaros Estão Distraídos de
Joao Vieira Torres & Diogo Oliveira et Ha terra! D'Ana Vaz font tous deux partis de la Mostra Competitiva!

Demain, dès 18h, dans le cadre du
Mois du Film Documentaire, La Pellicule Ensorcelé projète
Black Code/Code Noir de Louis Henderson, amis de Reims on vous attend nombreux !

Ce soir Donna Haraway: Telling for Earthly Survival de Fabrizio Terranova est au Torino Film Festival dans la section TFFDOC/LOVE avec la présence du réalisateur !

Après le festival Bandits Mages et une projection à l'Espace Khiasma, Donna Haraway: Story telling for earthly survival arrive le 19 novembre à la CINEMATEK de Bruxelles pour le BAFF - Brussels Art Film Festival !

Au Fotomuseum Winterthur, Black Code/Code Noir de Louis Henderson, sera projeté du 17 au 27 novembre.

Kassel Dokfest commence demain, où le 17 novembre, le film Foyer d'Ismaïl Bahri suivi d'Hà Terra! d'Ana Vaz seront montrés!
On vous attend nombreux.

Le 17 novembre à 12H30, Black Code/Code Noir sera au festival de l'Ethnographie et Cinéma à Grenoble pour
« Déplacer le regard ».

A partir du 15 novembre le film Hà Terra! d'Ana Vaz prend le soleil au Alternativa Bercelona dans le programme MORE WOOD...

Le mois dernier, BLACK CODE/CODE NOIR de Louis Henderson, HA TERRA! d'Ana Vaz et DE COMMENCEMENTS EN COMMENCEMENTS de Simon Quéheillard passaient au Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux. On en parle dans les Cahiers du Cinémas ce mois-ci, dans l'article "L'expérimental en bataille" illustré d'un des stills de l'avant-dernier film de Louis Henderson.

Le 13 NOV au Festival Bandits-mages à Bourges on retrouve les films Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival de Fabrizio Terranova pour la Chthulu Day et Tepentar (work in progress) de Pierre Michelon pour la soirée de clôture !
Pendant ce temps là, All That is Solid de Louis Henderson est montré au Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur dans le programme Post-Internet II : A World in Hyperlinks

Après une sélection à la Viennale, Sac la mort d'Emmanuel Parraud continue son tour d'Europe au Geneva International Film Festival en Compétition internationale des longs métrages du 8 au 11 NOV

Le 4 NOV à 18h30, organisé par Cinémas 93 au Centre Social Maroc-Châtenay-Poètes à Pierrefitte, venez redécouvrir le travail de Simon Quéheillard où sera projeté De commencements en commencements en présence du réalisateur !

In competition for the Opline Prize, first Digital Contemporary Art Prize, you still have a few days to support SPECTROGRAPHIES by Smith. To give it a vote: it's here!.

Invited by the Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP) at the FIAC, Münster by Martin Le Chevallier and Histoire de l'ombre (histoire de France) by Alex Pou will be screened at the Silencio the 20th et 23rd of octobre 7pm, program "Juste avant le crépuscule II".
>>>> Reservations: resa@lafabrique-phantom.org

Spectre supports the wonderful Espace Khiasma which presents this autumn a beautiful exhibition with several of our films and artists with whom we collaborate. Not to miss, the French screening of Fabrizio Terranova's film on and with Donna Haraway!

Invited by the Fondation Ricard, the FIDMarseille programmes From Beginnings to Beginnings by Simon Quéheillard on Cinéphémère at the FIAC outside-the-walls 2016.
Sunday 23rd of October 5pm.

Selected by MUBI plateform for its partnership with the New York Film Festival NYFF x MUBI: Projections, Ismaïl Bahri's last film will be available online for a period of thirty days – from october 17th to november 15th.

Ha terra! by Ana Vaz is at the Festival des Cinémas Différents in Paris (international competition #6)
and at Brésil en Mouvements 2016 in partnership with Cinéma du Réel.
Ha terra! will also be screened at BFI London the 15th and 16th of october and at She Makes Noise in Madrid on october 22nd !

We are very pleased to announce that Sac la mort has been selected at the Viennale and Geneva International Film Festival Tous Ecrans !
After an ACID programmation at the Comoedia and Luxy cinema in Lyon and Ivry Sac la mort will continue its tour in Tangier Film Library. During that time it will be screened the 13th of octobre at L'Ysieux cinéma in Fosses !

From Beginnings to Beginnings by Simon Quéheillard will be at the Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux in the Absurdism section,
followed by Louis Henderson's Black Code/Code Noir (international competition #4).

Après une très belle diffusion de Black Code/Code Noir de Louis Henderson encore présent au Diaspora Festival of Black and Independent Film, son dernier film
The Sea is History montré en version work in progress au BFI London continu en compétition internationale à Doclisboa'16 | Festas le 24 et 28 octobre !

Aujourd'hui c'est au tour d'Ana Vaz de présenter son film, Ha Terra!, au New York Film Festival.

Foyer d'Ismaïl Bahri qui, après Toronto et Marseille, débarque à New York !
Le film sera projeté dans le cadre de la section Projections (Program 5 "Site and Sound") au New York Film Festival

Exposition "Tracing the Future" à Louvain, en Belgique. Une autre manière de découvrir le film Münster de Martin Le Chevallier, dans sa version installation sur deux écrans.

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que deux films de Spectre sont présents cette année dans le programme Expériences du regard des Etats généraux du film documentaire de Lussas (projection le vendredi 26 août 2016) : Ha terra! d'Ana Vaz et Le Dossier de Mari S. d'Olivia Molnàr.

The premiere of Martin Le Chevallier’s Münster at FID Marseille was met with a great reception from the audience and two distinctions: the Marseille Espérance award and a special mention for the Georges de Beauregard National award.
Just a few days after the Marseille screening, the medieval fable was presented in its international premiere at Curtas Vila do Condé, in Portugal. This unordinary film’s adventure is getting off to a promising start.

T-Mobile New Horizons & plus encore
Après des programmations dans l’exposition "The Incantation of the Disquieting Muse" au SAVY Contemporary de Berlin, à l’Espace Khiasma aux Lilas dans l’exposition personnelle de Louis Henderson "Kinesis", au MK2 Beaubourg et bien d’autres lieux encore, BLACK CODE/CODE NOIR sera au festival T-Mobile New Horizons – où il fera sa Première polonaise en compagnie d’HA TERRA d’Ana Vaz.

De Curtas Vila do Conde à FestCutas BH…
Après une Première brésilienne au Festival Ohlar de Cinema, HA TERRA ! d’Ana Vaz continue son tour du monde à Curtas Vila do Conde, au Portugal, où il sera montré avec MUNSTER de Martin Le Chevallier entre le 7 et 17 Juillet – avant de s’envoler pour le Melbourne Film Festival. Programmé en Juin à l’Edinburgh International Film Festival avec TRANSMISSION FROM DE LIBERATED ZONES de Filipa César, HA TERRA ! et ce dernier seront également au FestCurtas de Belo Horizonte.

Trois films de Spectre seront au FIDMarseille !
Ceux d’entre vous qui seront au FIDMarseille pourront y découvrir MUNSTER de Martin Le Chevallier, qui y fera sa Première mondiale en Compétition française, ainsi que FOYER d’Ismaïl BAHRI et DE COMMENCEMENTS EN COMMENCEMENTS de Simon QUEHEILLARD – Ecrans parallèles Ventriloquies et Sentiers.

We hadn't mentioned Ana VAZ's last film HA TERRA! since it won the short film award at Cinéma du Réel. This month, the film will have its Brazilian premiere as part of the excellent Olhar de Cinema and will also be presented at the Edinburgh International Film Festival.

Black Code/Code Noir continues its tour around Europe, passing again through France and Germany. It will be shown at Saarbrücken within the Festival Signe de Nuit, and in Berlin in the new exhibition at Savvy Contemporary The Incantation of the Disquieting Muse. In Paris, il will be screened at the MK2 Beaubourg cinema and presented at Espace Khiasma in Kinesis, the artist's first solo exhibition in France. This exhibition will open a new chapter in the life of Black Code/Code Noir, as the first edition of the Black Code Sessions, held on the 15th-16th June at Khiasma, will bring together researchers, filmmakers and activists to collaborate on a new, extended version of the film that will be shown on 2nd July to close the exhibition.

Chutes et cartons, incidents burlesques sur les chemins hostiles de la ville, DE COMMENCEMENTS EN COMMENCEMENTS de Simon QUEHEILLARD fait son Avant-Première au Cin'Hoche de Bagnolet, au sein de la soirée Trois films pour découvrir Simon Quéheillard, suite à sa Première américaine au Chicago Underground Film Festival.

Its our great pleasure to announce that SAC LA MORT by Emmanuel PARRAUD will be part of the ACID programmation at the Festival de Cannes 2016.

2nd feature film of Emmanuel Parraud, SAC LA MORT, received a Special Mention, given by the "Freedom" Jury of the LUXOR AFRICAN FILM FESTIVAL.

It's our great pleasure to annouce that HA TERRA by Ana Vaz received the Short Film Prize at Cinéma du Réel!

HA TERRA ! by Ana Vaz and BLACK CODE/CODE NOIR by Louis Henderson will be at the CINEMA DU REEL 2016 !
Ha Terra ! : 20, 21 & 22/03/16
Black Code/Code Noir : 19 & 22/03/16

SPECTROGRAPHIES by Dorothée Smith and MINED SOIL by Filipa César will be screened at the RENCONTRES INTERNATIONALES Berlin - on the 16th and 20th of March.

SAC LA MORT by Emmanuel Parraud will have its International Premiere at the 5th LOUXOR AFRICAN FILM FESTIVAL.


Transmission from de Liberated Zones by Filipa César, will have its World Premere at the Forum Expanded of the 66e Berlinale - screenings on 17/02 and 20/02/2016 -
along with "A mina dos vagalumes" by Raphaël Grisey installation version of the documentary Remanescentes which will be shown at the Forum Expanded Exhibition, from 11/02 to 22/02/2016.

After the very good reception of Mined Soil and Spectrographies at Les Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin the past week Spectrogaphies will be screened again this week at the festival Hors Pistes - Centre Pompidou, salle cinéma 2, saturday 23/01 18:00.

We're happy to announce that Le dossier de Mari S. by Olivia Molnàr won the Premio Chicca Richelmy, first price of the short italian film (Italiana Corti) of the Torino Film Festival.

Remainders, by Raphaël Grisey, will be screened today in Brazil at the festival of quilombola culture of Minas Gerais, a coming back to sources and to the fight it represents !

We have the pleasure to announce that the feature Sac la mort by Emmanuel Parraud, coproduced by Spectre, will have its world Premiere at the 30th edition of the Entrevues, le festival International du film de Belfort.

Mondial Premiere of Dorothée Smith' first movie at CPH:DOX the 11th of November.

After a Premiere at the New York Film Festival, Black Code will be sceened this Saturday 17th of October at the BFI London Film Festival, Experimenta. It will also be screened in Copenhagen during the prestigious CPH:DOX (5th-15th November).

All That Is Solid by Louis Henderson will be screened at Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival the 25th of Septembre.

Le film d'Alex Pou « Histoire de l'ombre (Histoire de France) sera projeté le 12 septembre prochain à 20H dans le cadre du programme « Des communautés corsaires, films. », réalisé par Pascal Cassagnau à la Chapelle St Philibert à Dijon, au cœur de l'installation de Franz West, "Auditorium". Il sera en belle compagnie avec la projection des films "Historia del Miedo" de Benjamin Naishtat, le 11 septembre, "Le Dos rouge" d'Antoine Barraud le 17 septembre, et "Le dernier des Immobiles" de Nicola Sornaga le 18 septembre.

Black Code and All That Is Solid by Louis Henderson will be screened at 53° NY Film Festival.

Le dossier de Mari S frist short movie of italian artist Olivia Molnàr is now in post-production.

Andreï SCHTAKLEFF, the director of Faillir être flingué (Almost getting killed), in development with SPECTRE productions, has just received the GEORGE BEAUREGARD NATIONAL PRIZE and the INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE LA CRITIQUE PRIZE for his film La Montagne magique (2015) at the 26th edition of the FID MARSEILLE.

Sol Miné at Curtas do Conde
After a world premiere at the Rotterdam International Film Festival last February, Filipa César's Mined Soilwas presented in the national and international competition at the prestigious Portuguese festival Curtas Vila do Condo (23re edition).
2 projections: July 7 at 9PM and July 8 at 11:30 PM

Continuation of the successful life of Corine Shawi's E muet (world premiere at the FID Marseille in 2013). The film was presented in a program dedicated to emerging Lebanese cinema as part of the prestigious Karlovy Vary film festival (Czech Republic), which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.
Two screenings: July 5 and 7